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Funny Cat Clips: Video Compilation

This is a compilation of various funny cat clips. It's a great laugh, every time I watch it. Any of the video clips on this site are great mood-lifters, so you could bookmark a few, and check in when you have a blue day, or send the link to a friend or workmate in need of a mood boost. I find them especially useful for moody kids. No one can stay grumpy watching this. Enjoy.

We have selected many more funny cat videos for your entertainment. Some hilarious, some sweet, and all chosen because they were the best. I hope you find them as amusing as we did.


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cooga and me
I'm Jenny and this is Cooga, my beloved Burmese. Welcome to my site!

All the information and images are free for you to enjoy and be inspired.

I work on this site from home and it earns me money. Soon I will be able to quit my job and work from home, allowing me to spend more time cuddling my cats and doing what I choose, not what my employer chooses!

If you also dream of the freedom of running your own life, you can either keep dreaming, or click here and read how I learned to create a website that receives thousands of visitors a month, and earns me money.