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Ragdoll Kittens: Cute Photos

ragdoll kitten
Photo by Endbradley

Ragdoll kittens are usually white when born, and don't show markings on their long coats until around 18 months old. Ragdolls are known for their gentle, affectionate nature, making great pets. They are also extremely cute!
ragdoll kittens
Photo by Kate_A
ragdoll kitten
Photo by Endbradley
ragdoll kitten
Photo by Kate_A
Avoid "red eye" in your cat photos by turning the flash away from your cat. If you must use a flash (which can scare your cat), but can't move point it away, try covering it with a piece of tissue paper.
ragdoll kitten
Photo above by Kate_A

You can find out more about ragdoll cats and see photos of more kittens and beautiful mature cats at our

ragdoll cats page.

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